
SDGs initiatives

What is SDGs?

Sugata Shoji Co., Ltd. mainly handles industrial products, architectural products, and industrial equipment, and sells paints, materials, and equipment for the entire coating industry.
We value the foundation we have had since our founding, continue to provide services that meet the needs of our customers, and strive to create a beautiful environment.

efforg content

    Working on paperless

    Fax stopped paper exchanges and is working on paperless.
    Reducing the use of paper helps prevent deforestation and global warming, protects resources, and contributes to environmental conservation.

    Uses 100% plant-based paint

    Using 100% plant-based paint instead of petroleum-based paint, it is environmentally friendly and has no adverse effects on the human body during construction.

    Switching to electric vehicles

    In the future, we will switch to electric vehicles as much as possible for company vehicles, which will lead to countermeasures against depletion of chemical fuels such as petroleum and reduction of carbon dioxide emissions, and we will work on environmental conservation.

    Proposal to business partners for efforts to eliminate paint waste

    We have created a system for the disposal of paint and are making proposals to our business partners.
    We will control the consumption of resources and the generation of industrial waste, carry out initiatives that are considerate of the environment and society, and promote the creation of a city where people can continue to live.

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